Monday, April 2, 2012

Scotty SkyScrapper

            Have you ever seen a skyscraper and thought what the purpose of it was.  Well a long, long time ago there was a man named Scotty Sky Scraper. If he were still alive he was as tall as one. If some how you ever saw his face it was dreamy and handsome. He made every track team because his great athletic skills and strength. He always helped people. Once he caught a girl who was pushed . . . off the empire state building. He also caught the crook and gave them to the cops. He married a beautiful woman but she died of la-mush-a-ka-plop so he made a life size statue of her today known as lady liberty. He also has a dog, a Great Dane, the size of King Kong! What his biggest case was the day the sky turned black he found out the terrible news that pollution sources made a big jump and that there was 99 times more than just yesterday! He had to do something. He tried his best to reduce that number but their hearts where as hard as stone. The sky was so black the sun ran away but soon got trapped. So the sun was forced to hide behind the clouds. Scotty had to do something! Then out of the blue.
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            I’m on a stage… I’m behind a curtain… The curtain is opening… Everyone is applauding… I’m given an award… “For ideas so smart there crazy, but somehow always work”… flash! Click! Click! Ka-pooh! ... There are flashes…I just smile
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            The award! Scotty digs through the attic. There! There it is! Its shape is so interesting! No time for that the world is going to the end!
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            It’s raining…. I want to leave… I stand up outside… the clouds move away a little from me….I push the clouds away…. It’s not raining…
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            Whoa! Is it true!? He runs to the junk yard. “Sir, this may save the world. I need your junk!”. “Ok this doesn’t usually happen but go for it.”. “Thank you so much!”
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            Okay, that the last of the junk yard. “Holy guacamole there isn’t a scrap of metal or junk left!” “Thank you so much”. “What is that?!?” “Mmmm……A skyscraper” Scotty spent the rest of the day going to every junk yard building skyscrapers. Eventually he got it all it on place. He put a big tub under it and poured water on top of it making polluted water. He took some metal he saved and mad a big hollow ball. He poured the water in it and chucked it into space in a short time it was at the edge of the galaxy when it blew up. It is now…Pluto

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